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Signup Links Memorial

The Holy Name Pledge
Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
I believe O Jesus. That Thou are the Christ.
The Son of the Living God.
I proclaim my love.
For the Vicar of Christ on Earth.
I believe all the sacred truths
Which the Holy Catholic Church
Believes and teaches.
I promise to give good example
By the regular practice of my faith.
In honor of His Divine Name
I pledge myself against perjury,
Blasphemy, profanity and obscene speech.
I pledge my loyalty to the flag of my country.
And to the God given principles
Of freedom, justice and happiness.
For which it stands.
I pledge my support to all lawful authority
Both civil and religious.
I dedicate myself
To the honor of the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ
And beg that He will keep me faithful
To these pledges Until Death.

Holy Name Society Members
Able, Don   Abledrky@gmail.com
Aidoo, Augistine   aaidoo@covdio.org
Andress, Mike   iammikeandress@gmail.com
Bailey, Doug   dbailey1@fuse.net
Ball, Erik   erik.ball@gmail.com
Barczak, Dan   barczak.dan@gmail.com
Barnes, Don   djbarnes8135@gmail.com
Barton, Bruce   bartco2020@gmail.com
Belton, Sean   seanbelton13@gmail.com
Bessler, Joe   josephbessler@gmail.com
Bishop, Bob   bobbishop715@gmail.com
Boehmker, Terry   terryboe@yahoo.com
Boelscher, Eric   eric.boelscher@gmail.com
Bogenschutz, Dave   dbogie59@gmail.com
Bondick, Paul   paulbond_58@yahoo.com
Breetz, Tom   tjbreetz@gmail.com
Brooks, Justin   justin_brooks_2010@yahoo.com
Broomall, Andrew   broom751@aol.com
Buckley, Mike   mike.rmweld@gmail.com
Campos, Roberto   racampos9@gmail.com
Ciaramitaro, Joe   joe.c945@gmail.com
Ciaramitaro, John   Jaciar945@gmail.com
Coholich, Bernie   bcoholich@gmail.com
Cronin, Tom   tomcron53@gmail.com
Curry, Cory   cory.n.curry@gmail.com
De Vous, Phillip   fr.pdevous@gmail.com
DeFrank, Michael   mdefrank1960@gmail.com
Dehlinger, Bill   bill@deltarealtyusa.com
Drews, Kevin   kdrews1718@gmail.com
Driehaus, David   dave.driehaus@gmail.com
Eby, Brett   eby_oklo@yahoo.com
Eby, Jim   ebymitch@yahoo.com
Eisner, Andy   andyj.eisner@gmail.com
Faulhaber, Scott   scottfaulhaber@gmail.com
Fieger, Steve   sfieger_0646@fuse.net
Foust, John   jfrost90@gmail.com
Franze, Jay   jayfranzetv@gmail.com
Freytag, Dave   dmafreytag@yahoo.com
Frisk, Jay   jfrisk212@gmail.com
Gamel, Mark   mark@markgamel.com
Geiger, Tom   geiger863@yahoo.com
Germann, Chris   germanncw@yahoo.com
Gildea, Kevin   gildea.kevin@gmail.com
Goetz, Andy   flygoetz@yahoo.com
Goetz, Andy   andy.goetz@fuse.net
Goetz, Tom   tagman2603@gmail.com
Grady, Nick   ngrady09@yahoo.com
Greenman, Chris   tonychrismaggie@gmail.com
Haas, John   johncarlhaas@gmail.com
Hayden, Mac   machayden88@yahoo.com
Henderson, Eric   eric.henderson19@gmail.com
Herbe, Dave   dnlherbe@msn.com
Hontas, Jim   hontas.jimh@gmail.com
Hoppenjans, Bill   whoppenjans@hotmail.com
Horner, Steve   shorner0615@twc.com
Houlehan, Denny   dchoulehan@gmail.com
Jung, Charlie   ccjung99@yahoo.com
Kenney, Chris   cpkenney29@outlook.com
Kirtley, Jerry   jerry.kirtley1969@yahoo.com
Koeninger, Roger   Roger.Koeninger@ge.com
Konerman, Dave   davejkon@gmail.com
Landers, Garrett   garrett.landers@aeroalliancejv.com
Lehman, Kevin   klehman5@twc.com
Lonnemann, Vince   vjlonne@gmail.com
Lukey, Dan   lukeydan@yahoo.com
Mailey, Kyle   kmaley2@yahoo.com
Martin, Mike   mjjemartin@gmail.com
McClain, Richard   rich.mcclain@gmail.com
McClanahan, Tim   tim.j.mcclanahan@gmail.com
McGovern, Larry   larry.mcgovern63@gmail.com
McNichol, Davis   davismmcnichol@gmail.com
Mersch, Bill   bill.mersch@twc.com
Neiheisel, Jerry   Jpneiheisel@gmail.com
Neiser, Dan   dlneiser@gmail.com
Noll, Jim   jgnoll@yahoo.com
Ochs, Rex   rex.ochs22@gmail.com
Pajk, Anthony   anthonypajk78@gmail.com
Pfeiffer, Mark   map.1951@live.com
Potter, Kenny   kenny@potterconsultant.com
Raaker, Stan   sraak58@yahoo.com
Reinecke, Jacob   nkyjake1986@live.com
Ritter, Paul   pfr912@gmail.com
Rose, Tom   tom.j.rose59@gmail.com
Rose, Greg   greg.rose91@gmail.com
Rose, Tom   xaviernut@hotmail.com
Rotte, Bob   bobrotte@yahoo.com
Schiebelhuth, Richard   rwschiebe@gmail.com
Schlachter, Ken   klschlachter@hotmail.com
Schmidt, Jim   tenn.jim@fuse.net
Schmitt, Mark   markschmitt72@yahoo.com
Schneider, Chris   chrisschneider1@me.com
Schuler, Ralph   schulerjr1964@yahoo.com
Schwalbach, Greg   gregschwalbach@yahoo.com
Shields, John   john@idnetwrk.net
Shields, John   webmaster@stjosephholynamesociety.com
Siegel, Adam   adam.siegel@hotmail.com
Skolnick, Ben   skolnickben@yahoo.com
Smaracko, Michael   smaracko.michael@gmail.com
Smeltzer, Dave   smeltzer@twc.com
Stambaugh, Kevin   kstambaugh88@gmail.com
Stansel, Scott   scotts@towneproperties.com
Steinkoenig, Chris   crsteinkoenig@gmail.com
Steltenkamp, Joe   jsteltenkamp@gmail.com
Stocker, Rick   trickystocker@gmail.com
Strassburger, Rich   richs1946@gmail.com
Stull, Tom   tstull923@icloud.com
Sullivan, Dan   dan@sullivanenvtec.com
Summie, Jarick   jls728@fuse.net
Thelen, Mike   mike.thelen@yahoo.com
Thesing, J   jthesing@fuse.net
Thompson, Bill   wthompson123@hotmail.com
Torres, Rafael   raftorres63@gmail.com
Troxell, Denny   dtroxell@bryanthvac.com
Voet, Jon   jonvoet@gmail.com
Vollmar, Thom   thom.vollmar@zoomtown.com
Wegford, Rob   rwegford@hotmail.com
Wellbrock, Steve   swellbrock75@gmail.com
Wendt, Jeff   jwendt@csvfd.com
Wesseling, Tom   tomwesseling@yahoo.com
Wilcox, Chuck   chuckwil001@gmail.com
Winnike, Nick   nwinnike@gmail.com
Wright, Walter   wwright4@yahoo.com
Young, Greg   greg.young1482@gmail.com
Zembrodt, Brandon   brandon.zembrodt@gmail.com
Ziegler, Rob   rziegler@zslaw.com
Jim Cleves

Our oldest member. He was like the shirt states; the ultimate volunteer.